Button Sizes

Predefined sizes are attached to the button size property, you’ll
be able to choose between the following sizes or make it custom.

Button Padding

Custom padding can be added to the button with unit
like pixels, em or %. Add it on each corner or all togethe

Button Radius Sizes

The angles of the borders can be curved to a different radius for each border alone or
together as one.

Button Radius Sizes

The angles of the borders can be curved to a different radius for each border alone or
together as one.

Button Border Width

The border width can be easily enhanced for each corner differently, or you can link them all together.

Button Left Icon

Predefined sizes are attached to the button size property, you’ll
be able to choose between the following sizes or make it custom.

Button Right Icon

You can insert any icon from the font awesome library right before the button
text or after it..

Button Type

You can insert any icon from the font awesome library right before the button
text or after it..

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